Kickstarter Programme

We designed this programme for schools that understand the importance of teaching for creativity and skills development and would appreciate some support to embed the Arts Award set of qualifications strategically using their (existing or new) engagement with arts, heritage and cultural organisations, projects and partnerships linked to student voice targets, Artsmark and school curriculum needs.
What is Arts Award?
Arts Award is a set of portfolio based qualifications designed to help children and young people grow as artists and arts leaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in the wider arts world.
It is a flexible learning framework and provides a structure for progression and achievement.
Arts Award is complementary and different to Artsmark.
Why do Arts Award?
- Helps young people to grow as artists and arts leaders
- Can work with any arts, cultural or media activity
- Expand children’s knowledge and understanding of the Arts and Culture and its relevance to their lives
- Develops in children vital skills, creativity and leadership
- Inspires and nurtures young people’s creative practice
- Encourages them to look at career and progression options
- Is personalised and portfolio/evidence based
- It can be done in a range of artforms
- Is available at five levels, four accredited on the Qualifications and Credit Framework and one introductory level
- Is open to anyone aged up to 25
- Embraces all interests, abilities and backgrounds
Arts Award is delivered at 5 levels from Discover to Gold.
At all 5 levels the students:
- Learn by doing through taking part in creative activities in a range of artforms
- Learn through research by finding out about artists/creatives and their work
- Learn by sharing their ideas and aquired knowledge through peer learning opportunities as well as forming and expressing opinions
The difficulty that schools face
Arts Award is an evidence/portfolio based qualification.
Your school likely offers a range of activities that would qualify towards it.
What’s often missing is the time, know-how and specialised experience to plan, embed and deliver it.The solution to this challenge
This programme is designed to complement existing provision and to provide support to enable schools to run Arts Award directly using the resources provided by the programmes they engage with. We will work with designated members of staff in your school to get them started and upskill them during the process.
The SCHOOL will engage with a framework in a meaningful way by :
- being strategic and cost effective
- making it manageable and enjoyable for staff by finding out about artists/creatives and their work
- embedding a new approach to teaching and assessing creative subjects
- focusing on skills development | encouraging meta-cognition and self-regulation and the development of a number of transferable skills linked to attainment in all subjects
- encouraging enjoyment of school life and well-being
- making links with other schools and add value to existing provision
The Arts Award School- Kickstarter Programmes can be delivered in clusters of schools that will share the cost, work together, get an opportunity to see what other schools do and become part of a network.
What should schools expect:
- Step by step guidance with an experienced adviser to plan, devise, deliver and achieve the award in way that is tried and tested.
- A set of tools and templates for you to use in delivery.
- A logbook/resource made for your setting and your students to use.
- Practical tips to make the process easy and successful.
- All the paperwork completed for you.
- The official assessment and moderation/certification taken care of.
Example Cost:
Discover Level Cluster programmes with five schools
start at £550 per school
Note: assessment/moderation/certification costs per student increase per level.